An important message:

NYSSA and the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has informed all snowmobilers about a fee increase in your sled registration. The total registration fee is increasing from the current $45 to $100 unless you are a club member of any legitimate snowmobile club in the state of NY for the 2006-2007 season.

You will receive a voucher upon joining a club. Or, if you prefer, you can join using the NYSSA Online System at where you can pay for a membership using a credit card, then download the voucher and print it. Whichever method you use, you will need to submit the voucher to DMV and therefore pay only $45 to DMV for each sled owned.

Please remember -- it is the clubs that build, maintain, sign, offer safety courses and establish our nearly 11,000 miles of trail. Without the clubs there are no trails and without members there are no clubs!

Important: if you are currently a member of FPU & NYSSA for the 2005-2006 season, your FPU membership is good until Oct. 1st. However, your NYSSA membership expires August 31st. Therefore, you must renew your club membership and NYSSA membership for the 2006-2007 season prior to obtaining a voucher.

We apologize for any confusion.

To summarize: if you haven't already done so, you will need to join FPU or any other NYS snowmobile club to receive a voucher for the discounted sled registration fee. If you would like to join our club, there's a link to our new membership form from the front page of the website. Just print and send it in to FPU. Once we receive your application & check, we'll send you out a voucher for DMV.

Kim Sanborn

Last updated 11.10.2007